Stall Mats Installation
Tenderfoot Stall Mats Installation Guide
Properly installed, your Tenderfoot Stall Mats will provide many years of increased animal comfort, reduced bedding costs, and labor savings. The surface preparation steps recommended below will provide a stable surface under your mats.
Surface Preparation
1. Measure the stall. Uneven areas can be blocked with pressure treated or outdoor rated wood.
2. Clean the stall thoroughly. If you have a concrete, asphalt or wood floor in your stall, skip to step #8.
3. Dig the stall floor down at least three inches from where you want the surface top to be.
4. Prepare the surface. This is the most important step for getting the most out of your stall mats. Large holes, cracks, voids, or out of level areas should be filled and leveled. Sand, dirt, or clay are not recommended as installation surfaces.
The ideal surface is a 3 inch compacted layer of 3/4" minus crushed gravel. If crushed gravel is not available, decomposed granite or limestone is recommended.
5. Pour the gravel. (4 inches of 3/4" crushed gravel equals 3 inches of compacted gravel).
6. Tamp the gravel. We recommend renting a vibrating plate-style compactor.
7. Wet down the gravel, then apply a light dusting of cement; allow this to dry before proceeding.
8. When unloading and moving your mats, it's best to use two people. Roll each mat before moving. Begin laying mats in the middle of the stall, keeping factory sheared edges together. Lay mats next to the starting mat, working toward the edges of your stall. Make adjustments on the outer edges as needed to ensure the tightest fit.
To cut the mats:
1. Mark the mats you will need to cut with chalk or a chalk line.
2. Put your straight edge on the corresponding marks you have placed on the mats.
3. Holding the straight edge firmly in place, score the mats two or three times with the knife (a non retractable utility knife).
4. Grab the mat close to the score line, lift and bend the mat toward you. The score line will "break open".
5. Make several more passes with the knife, working down the established cut, until the cut is complete.
6. Continue with the next mat and install as required. Best installation is achieved when you place the cut edges against the wall, then the factory-sheared edges will meet in the center of the stall for the best fit.
Some surfaces will require re-leveling after a few weeks of use. This is usually limited to heavy use areas and needs to be done only once. If you notice low spots under the mats or find that certain mats have edges pushing up from material moving underneath, take the time to re-level those areas. A few minutes spent ensuring a level surface will keep your stall mats in great shape for years to come.
Need some help? Please feel free to contact us. We are only one phone call or one email away. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always ready and eager to help!
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